As of winter 2019-2020, heavy trucks, heavy trailers and heavy semitrailers, have to be equipped with winter tyres on all wheels between 1 December and 31 March when winter conditions prevail (ice, snow, slush or frost on any part of the road).
The requirement apply to vehicles registered in Sweden or abroad.
Winter tyres can be studded or non-studded (so called friction tyres). Studded tyres are allowed between October 1st and April 15th.
Winter tyres used on heavy trucks and on heavy trailers (>3500 kg) shall:
- be marked with the symbol alp peak snowflake (3PMSF) according to UN ECE regulations 117, or
- be marked with Professional Off Road (POR) in accordance with UN ECE regulations 54, or
- be studded.
Winter tyres mounted, on axles other than drive axles and front axles on heavy trucks, or on heavy trailers axels, may:
- be especially manufactured for winter road conditions and
- be marked with M + S, MS, M&S, MS, MS or "Mud and Snow" according to UN ECE regulations 30, 54, 108 and 109 and UN GTR 16, and
All tyres, on trucks with a total weight over 3500kg, must have a tyre tread depth of at least 5 millimeters, when it is winter road conditions. Trailers must have a tyre tread depth of at least 1.6 millimeters.

Mårten Johansson
Tekniskt ansvarig
010-510 54 62