The Swedish Association of Road Transport Companies
The Swedish Association of Road Transport Companies organise around 5 000 hauliers, owning approximately 38 000 vehicles and employing around 150 000 people.
We are a trade organisation supporting member companies with lobbying and legal expertise as well as courses and training, and more.
Our experts work, among other issues, with cross border legal issues, EU policy regulating the transport sector, technical affairs, sustainability, environment and corporate social responsibility (CSR). The Swedish Association of Road Transport Companies issue TIR-carnets for international transport under the UN TIR Convention.
- Anmäl utstationering av förare / Report posting of drivers
- Winter tyers on heavy vehicles in Sweden - rules from winter 2019-2020

Fair Transport
Fair Transport is the transport industry’s sustainability certification of road freight transport and is our response to increased expectations from the outside world on our operations. All certified companies meet at set of quality criteria and are continuously followed up through an independent, third-party review. Certification thus ensures that the services provided by approved operators are carried out in a responsible, safe and sustainable way.
Read more on fairtransport.se.

International cooperation
We liaise with colleagues in Europe and globally through our networks.
We are a member of the International Road Transport Union, IRU.
Nordic Logistics Association
Through our Brussels office, shared with our sister organisations in Denmark and Norway, we closely monitor and work towards ensuring our members needs are considered in EU policy and legislation. Nordic Logistics Association was founded in 2012 and acts as our extended eyes and ears in Brussels.

Road map
The road transport industry’s roadmap for a fossil free Sweden aims at identifying progressive and ambitious, yet growth-oriented policies in strengthening the competitiveness of Swedish haulers while they become fossil free.
The roadmap serves as a knowledge base and information to the government, and in inventory of the work already achieved in minimizing emissions. The report is part of the government initiative Fossil Free Sweden and the project Fossil Free Competitiveness. The national target for net zero emissions is year 2045.

Ulric Långberg
Samhällspolitisk chef
010-510 54 61