Nya trafikregler i Polen

Publicerad 2023-07-07 / 13:05 av Charlotta.Nilsson i Nyheter

Från och med den 1 juli 2023 gäller nya trafikregler på motorvägar och motortrafikleder för tunga lastbilar i Polen. Ändringarna reglerar vilka körfält som får användas och omkörningsförbud på vissa sträckor.

Starting from 1st of July 2023, new traffic rules on motorways and expressways for heavy goods vehicles are in force in Poland. Pursuant to the Act from 26th of May 2023 amending the Act on Toll Motorways and the National Road Fund and certain other acts (Journal of Laws, item 1193), amendments to the Act - Road Traffic Law were added to Art. 16 and Art. 24.

The provision in Art. 16 sec. 2a of the Road Traffic Law Act imposes an obligation on the driver of a motor vehicle with a maximum total weight exceeding 3.5 tons and 12 tons or a combination of vehicles over 7 m long on a motorway or expressway with three or more designated lanes on the carriageway in one direction, use only the two lanes designated for a given direction, located closest to the right edge of the road.

This change will organize and smooth the traffic of vehicles traveling on motorways and expressways with three or more lanes in one direction. It also ensures that at least one traffic lane on a motorway or express road (with a minimum of 3 lanes in one direction) will be free of motor vehicles with a maximum total weight exceeding 3.5 t and 12 t and from vehicle combinations over 7 m long.

The provision in Art. 24 sec. 13 of the Act - Road Traffic Law, it is forbidden for the driver of a motor vehicle with a maximum total weight exceeding 3.5 tons and 12 tons to overtake a motor vehicle on a motorway and expressway with only two lanes for a given direction of traffic, unless the vehicle is moving at a speed much lower than the road legal limit for these vehicles.

Act of 26th of May 2023 amending the Act on toll motorways and the National Road Fund and some other acts (Journal of Laws, item 1193) link to the act: https://www.dziennikustaw.gov.pl/DU/rok/2023/pozycja/1193